The Willow Creek Bunch


About The Willow Creek Bunch

Matthew (9), Caleb (7), and Finley (5) live in Byjove, North Carolina, with their parents (Anne and David Bryson) and dog (Sneaker). Matthew and Finley enjoy team sports and playing with their friends and Caleb prefers to play with Sneaker and work on science projects. In their backyard is Willow Creek, which passes through Willow Creek Park (the Bryson's favourite hangout). Across the creek are Max and Jake Campbell, their best friends.

Please regularly check our Announcements page for news regarding the Willow Creek Bunch

Episode Directory-
Season One- Episodes
Season Two- The Bryson School (Complete)
Season Three- Collaborative Episodes
Season Four- Holiday Specials/School Break Specials
Season Five- '23 Spring Break Special: Camp Green Woods (Complete)
Season Six- Take Action Episodes (See our Take Action tab for more information)